1099-G Form are automatically generated for all individuals when a PUA or Regular UI payment was made. If you received a 1099-G form and DID NOT file a claim for either PUA or Regular UI, your identity may have been stolen. Please complete the Declaration of Identity Theft form linked below and attach a copy of the 1099-G and any other documentation showing that a fraudulent claim for unemployment benefits was filed in your name, and return by mail at the address below:
Unemployment Insurance
Attn: Special Activities
830 Punchbowl Street, Room 340
Honolulu, HI 96813
Please keep in mind that the 1099-G does not identify the benefits as PUA or Regular UI. Individuals can also click on the “For more fraud information” link below, which will direct you to the DLIR’s UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE & ASSISTANCE FRAUD INFO page, where there is a link to file a report with the Federal Trade Commission at www.identitytheft.gov.